Reasons this Syrian War might not be just include.

1. You might be in an unjust war if the people you support shoot POW’s in the back of the head.

2. You might be in an unjust war if the people you support read poetry while shooting POW’s in the back of the head

It’s been reported that the rebels in Syria we are thinking about supporting shoot their captured enemies in the back of the head while reciting poetry.  Does this seem like a group with a moral cause the United States should be backing?  As for poetry, here’s a little ditty I wrote.

War is hell -it has been said, and we need another war like a hole in the head

When weighing whether we should attack, don’t support people who shoot POW’s in the back

3. You might be in an unjust war if Arab nations offer to hire your nation by financing the war effort (turning your nation into a mercenary)

John Kerry mentioned in hearings yesterday that the Arabs have offered to finance the entire war.  Does it seem disturbing that our armed forces are being hired as mercenaries by Arab nations to overthrow the Syrian government?  Why could their motivation be? Are they concerned about America’s financial situation and just want to help? I doubt it. They are incentivized by something and we are the means to their end.

4. If you might be in an unjust war if you haven’t actually weighed the criteria for a “just war” and have instead reacted to emotional arguments and potential PR from a foreign nation.

In Joshua chapter 9, Joshua is dupped into supporting a group of Gibeonites in war because they pretended to be something they weren’t. Joshua did not seek God’s wisdom, but rashly went to war. (Josh 9:14)  Let’s not make the same mistake.



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