As we continued our journey in Israel, my wife and I were struck by the huge commercial centers all over the ancient land.  Here is a photo of another city in the Promised Land.   God has asked his people to participate in commerce by becoming productive in the new land.     As you made money in the new land, you were to depend on God, watch your expenses and give a percentage of your money to the poor.    Many temples found in the Promised Land were filled with pig bones.   Since pigs were part of the

Egyptian worship God called his people out of, they were considered unclean.   Yet,  over and over in the ruins of the temples, we find pig bones.  A sign that God’s people had rebelled against God and started to worship other gods. The result was “pig bones” in the temples, and a lack of generosity to others.

In fact, when God set up most of these successful cities, they were positioned at the crossroads of major intercontinental roads as a beacon of hope.   Often through the Bible, when God’s people made a commitment to follow His way. To be successful so they could bless others, they would stand stones on end. These “standing stones” were a visual reminder of a commitment to give to others.   We saw many of these standing stones.   These are the types of stones that were taken out of the Jordan river when Joshua crossed to mark the moment.  They were also a living witness so that our children and grandchildren would ask us, “What does this mean?”  We could answer, “God called us to be successful and make money to provide for ourselves and help the poor and needy.”     I wondered if my standing stones are testifying to my family as strongly as these did?   No matter how much we make, we can all give away some.

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