How to Face a Dead Zombie Lion of Temptation.  When Faced With Temptation, Say to Yourself or EVEN out loud, “THIS LOOKS LIKE HONEY, BUT IT’S ACTUALLY A DEAD CARCASS!!”   

This will cut through the lies. This phrase will cut through the compromise and self deception we all use to justify and rationalize our bad decisions.

Proverbs 25:27-28 It is not good to eat much honey; So to seek one’s own glory is not glory. 28 Whoever has no rule over his own spirit Is like a city broken down, without walls.

I remember a few years ago before our building was built, there was a little shed out by our old lake.  I was playing with the kids and happened to go into the shed looking for some wire to fix a fishing pole.  What I found was pornography scattered all over the floor.   I quickly got out of there knowing that I was around a Dead Lion that would tempt me, flash images onto my brain that would negatively affect my marraige… And these women were God’s children, not objects for my infatuation… So I quickly ran from the Lion.  But, a few minutes later…  My kids were playing a few yards away… I felt the lies, the fear, the honey of temptation… I remember the voice of the honey and lion, “Just one look…”  “It’s not a big deal…”  “No one will ever know…”    At that moment, What I should have said is, “This looks like honey, but it’s a dead carcass…”  But I didn’t… I gave in… I went in a picked up a few pages and looked at them…   In the short glance, i felt the voice of conviction and truth saying, “This is not good, you are looking at a dead carcass of temptation…”     I put them down and put back outside and asked God for forgiveness for giving into temptation. To believing the lies of the Lion.

When I lived in Georgia, we had a business owner who had his own Safari Zoo with a real Lion.   And the lion was enclosed in a two stage fence to keep the lion “safe.”     I remember he brought me over to the lions and said, “So, Daniel got in a den of lions….  Do you have the same amount of faith preacher?”   I laughed nervously and said, “NO, I do not!!”  I stay away from Lions.      This guy built his house right around the corner, 50 yards at most from the lions cage.   He was in very close proximity to lions.  I wanted to keep my distance.  That’s good advice.  Stay away from lions, even ones that look safe and taste like honey.    About 9 months later a tornado came through our town and a tree fell across both fences and created a way for the lion to get loose.   This lion was literally on the loose around his home and in his business… He had to go and hunt and kill it.       That same year, I had a business friend who pulled me aside to tell me he had let a lion loose on his family.  He told me he had an ongoing affair and that the truth had come out, he got his mistress pregnant, and now everything he cared about: his faith, his family, and his future was coming unglued.   He wished he had hunted the Lion before it got loose in his family, but instead hunted it after it had caused carnage on the people he loved.  He wished when he had first met this woman, “This looks like honey, but is actually a dead carcass….”

Temptation is a Lion that is Lion (Lying) to us with Honey and Fear…   He Lies to you.  

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