
Watching Mitt Romney’s speech at the Values Voters Summit tonight, God-o-Meter had an easy time casting a verdict; The Massachusetts Governor hit out of the park with the audience here, easily outshining any of the candidates to speak so far: Fred Thompson, John McCain, Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, and Duncan Hunter. Quoting C.S. Lewis, citing…

When God-o-Meter checked in with a Fred Thompson advisor shortly before he official declared his candidacy, it was told that Thompson, whose infrequent church attendance has been much remarked upon, would not try to make believe he was deeply religious. Fast forward to this morning, when Thompson scored the only standing ovation of his speech…

When God-o-Meter read in this week’s Weekly Standard that Jonathan Falwell was slated to introduce Rudy Giuliani at this weekend’s Values Voter Summit in Washington, it did a double take. Would the son the modern Christian Right’s founder really be sidling up to the candidate whose success in winning the Republican nomination could be the…

Mitt Romney’s greatest hurdle in the GOP primary may be winning ordinary evangelical voters, but evangelical leaders are becoming the most vociferous apologists for his Mormonism. The latest came last night on Larry King from Joel Osteen, the televangelist whose book Your Best Life Now sold nearly five million copies (video here). Here’s the relevant…

This morning’s news from the Associated Press that Sam Brownback is expected to drop out of the presidential race is another in a string of recent boosts for Mike Huckabee. Add Brownback’s voters to Huckabee’s in the August Ames straw poll–many hail for the same pro-life constituency–and you have Huckabee coming out on top, ahead…

In coup for Mitt Romney, who’s still working overtime to pick up Christian Right support after a year of trying, Bob Jones III announced yesterday that he’s endorsing the former Massachusetts governor. The chancellor of the fundamentalist Bob Jones University is more culturally and theologically conservative than many Christian Right bigwigs, with George W. Bush’s…

God-o-Meter can tell that Barack Obama is going to make it very difficult to keep its needle below ten. The Associated Press today sheds significant new light on Obama’s well-documented string of “faith forums” in early presidential primary and caucus states, including that his campaign is advertising the events in church bulletins and signing up…

God-o-Meter remarked recently that for a former Baptist preacher whose web site’s top issue baskets are “Faith and Politics” and “Sanctity of Life,” Mike Huckabee’s having an awfully hard time lining up A-list Christian Right support. Today’s Politico reports that the cold shoulder is driving his campaign batty: “They all say Mike Huckabee is a…

God-o-Meter feels a tad guilty for lavishing so much HTML on Barack Obama, but no other candidate is courting religious voters with as much rigor and transparency (unlike, say, Republican candidates who powwow with Christian Right leaders in secret). On the same day that Obama announced a string of gospel music concerts to benefit his…

Columnist Robert Novak, not exactly a Republican In Name Only, joins the chorus of those wondering if the Christian Right can really derail Rudy Giuliani. Is God-o-Meter the only one who still doubts that most churchgoing evangelicals will back America’s Mayor? Sure, Novak, quotes recent Gallup polls showing that Giuliani has the support of plurality…

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