The New York Times Caucus blog reports that a prominent evangelical who had endorsed him is taking it back: The Rev. Don Wilton, who is the immediate past president of the Southern Baptist Convention in South Carolina, was one of an array of conservative endorsements the campaign had unveiled in the days leading up to…

God-o-Meter is relieved that somebody finally said it. Amid all the clamoring by pundits–and some religious conservatives–for Mitt Romney to deliver a “Mormon” speech in the vein of JFK’s 1960 address about his Catholicism, a glaring discrepancy between the two politicians’ challenges has been ignored. The thrust of Kennedy’s speech was that his faith and…

When Face the Nation’s Bob Schieffer asked Mitt Romney yesterday whether questions about his Mormonism were fair game (video here) Romney nodded in agreement: “I have no problem with that. I’m not going to try to distance myself in any way, shape, or from my church…. I accept the teachings of my church and do…

Watching Mitt Romney’s speech at the Values Voters Summit tonight, God-o-Meter had an easy time casting a verdict; The Massachusetts Governor hit out of the park with the audience here, easily outshining any of the candidates to speak so far: Fred Thompson, John McCain, Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, and Duncan Hunter. Quoting C.S. Lewis, citing…

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