Can you blame God-o-Meter for being a wee bit nervous about awarding its first “10” rating yesterday, for Mike Huckabee’s new Believe TV ad in Iowa? Sure, the ad opened with the words “Christian Leader” and has Huckabee explaining that “faith doesn’t just influence me, it really defines me,” but “theocrat” is not a handle…

As he disarms the mainstream media with his folksy charm, it can be easy to forget that Mike Huckabee is campaigning as a Christian Right candidate, sans fire and brimstone. His new ad in Iowa is a pretty good reminder, earning Huckabee God-o-Meter’s first “10” rating of the ’08 campaign cycle. The ad opens with…

Does anybody–besides conservative scrooges like Bob Novak–have a negative word about Mike Huckabee? Today’s Concord Monitor explores Huckabee’s years as an Arkansas preacher and finds glowing reviews all around, from his popularity on church TV, to his ability to revive a graying Texarkana congregation, to his success riding moderate support to become the youngest-ever president…

Beating up on Mike Huckabee for his tax and spending ways, conservative columnist Robert Novak says what God-o-Meter has been thinking for some time: Huckabee is emblematic of a new evangelical politics that doesn’t square with the Republican orthodoxy as well as it used to. Here’s the key graph: The rise of evangelical Christians as…

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