When he was in Congress, Ohio Rep. Tony Hall was the dean of the dwindling ranks of elected pro-life Democrats. When President Bush appointed Hall, an evangelical, as ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture in 2002, he became the poster child for Democratic Party fears about losing its socially conservative members…

Last week, God-o-Meter noted that Bill Clinton’s many church visits appear to be almost entirely to African American congregations. This morning, it noticed that the ex-prez stopped by St. Paul AME in Columbus, OH, whose web site identifies it as the oldest black church in the city. God-o-Meter is surprised at this pattern, given that…

God-o-Meter recently reported on a new poll by the evangelical group Faith in Public Life that found Hillary Clinton led Barack Obama among white evangelicals in Tennessee and Missouri and that more evangelicals were voting Democratic in those states than did in the 2004 general election. But an analysis of the poll by the nonpartisan…

Maryland Jews backed Hillary this week, but those in California backed Barack Obama. Jews in New York, New Jersey, Arizona, and Nevada, went for Clinton. Those in Connecticut and Massachusetts went for Obama. It seems that Jews in more conservative states are going for Clinton and those in deep blue states prefer Obama, with the…

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