This isn’t the first time Barack Obama’s church family has gotten him in hot water. Remember when his campaign caught flack from the gay community for staging a Gospel music tour of South Carolina that featured “ex-gay” singer Donnie McClurkin? Now it’s Obama’s longtime minister, Jeremiah Wright, who’s in the spotlight. Yesterday, Washington Post columnist…

The Obama campaign has been distributing serious Christian literature in South Carolina for months now, but it’s gone mostly unremarked upon in the news media. The Washington Post has a short item on the brochures tonight: The brochure being handed out in South Carolina shows a picture of the candidate with his hands together and…

With Mike Huckabee’s dramatic win in Iowa and his impressive national poll numbers, the closest thing the Republican Party has to a frontrunner at the moment appears to be a Baptist preacher. But is another kind of preacher leading the Democratic presidential field? Stopping by a packed Barack Obama rally last night in Rochester, New…

The Concord Monitor reports on the Obama campaign’s faith outreach effort in New Hampshire, a state not exactly known for its churchgoing fervor: Although Obama rarely refers to religion in his stump speeches, he has actively courted religious voters. In New Hampshire, his campaign met with more than 100 religious leaders, participated in at least…

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