Following up on a TIME account yesterday, CBN’s David Brody has more deets on Tuesday’s Denver meeting among scores of Christian Right activists and their decision to coalesce behind John McCain despite their considerable doubts about him. Channeling meeting attendee/evangelical activists David Barton–who spearheaded evangelical pastor outreach for the Republican National Committee in 2004–Brody sees…

Echoing Family Research Council Action, the Catholic League For Religious and Civil Rights says Obama’s plan for faith-based initiatives would do more harm than good by prohibiting religious groups from discriminating on the basis of religion and requiring those groups to use federal funds for secular programs only. What God-o-Meter is trying to find out…

A new pro-Obama faith-based group called the Matthew 25 Network, started by John Kerry’s 2004 faith outreach director, has launched a Christian Radio ad on the heels of Obama’s faith-based initiatives speech: The ad is running first in Colorado Springs, CO, home of Focus on the Family and site of an Obama speech today.

With Barack Obama in Colorado Springs, CO for a speech today, God-o-Meter checked in with Focus on the Family, the granddaddy of evangelical megagroups in the Springs, to see if Obama had any plans to stop by while he was in town. Here’s what Focus on the Family Vice President of Media and Public Relations…

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