For all the news media’s tut-tutting about Barack Obama strained relations with Jewish voters, Salon points out that he’s actually in pretty good shape in that department: …a Gallup poll last month — in the midst of the Wright drama — found Obama beating McCain 61-32 among Jewish voters, a far wider margin than among…

As John McCain continues to keep a low profile on the California Supreme Court’s legalization of gay marriage, the Philadelphia Inquirer’s Dick Polman has a helpful reminder about McCain’s personal experience with gay marriage bans. While the bans have passed in literally dozens of states in the last few years, the one place one has…

While John McCain and the GOP continue to keep quiet about last week’s California Supreme Court’s legalization of gay marriage, the party’s Religious Right base continues to be just bit more exercised over the decision. Here’s popular radio host Dennis Prager, a Jewish ally of the Christian Right: Nothing imaginable — leftward or rightward —…

Did you catch the New York Times’ harrowing front pager last week on Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe’s crackdown on Anglican priests and worshippers in advance of an expected runoff election there? Here’s the opening vignette: The parishioners were lined up for Holy Communion on Sunday when the riot police stormed the stately St. Francis Anglican…

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