TPM Election Central reports that Hillary Clinton’s chief delegate hunter, Harold Ickes, says the Obama/Wright controversy is a top issue among the party’s very powerful super-delegates. Is he being self-serving? Maybe. Is he correct to warn Democrats that the GOP and its allies will turn all that disturbing Wright footage into swiftboat-style attack ads as…

A couple days after reversing his vow to stay home on Election Day to protest John McCain’s candidacy, Dobson made it clear that he’s not exactly warmed to the Arizona senator. Here’s what he told The Wall Street Journal: I have seen no evidence that Sen. McCain is successfully unifying the Republican Party or drawing…

The Washington Times reports that Barack Obama’s church was founded on a… 1960s book that espouses “the destruction of the white enemy.” Trinity United Church of Christ’s Web site says its teachings are based on the black liberation theology of James H. Cone and his 1969 book “Black Theology and Black Power.” “What we need…

Recent polls show that Barack Obama suffered little or no lasting damage from the Rev. Wright controversy. Bloomberg says on the ground interviews with white Indiana voters tell a different story: Interviews with dozens of Democrats in this overwhelmingly white region — where voters will go to the polls in the May 6 primary —…

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