In an interview with the Associated Press on Friday, John McCain went further than he had previously in acknowledging John Hagee’s controversial statements on Catholicism: “We’ve had a dignified campaign, and I repudiate any comments that are made, including Pastor Hagee’s, if they are anti-Catholic or offensive to Catholics,” McCain said. God-o-Meter realizes that’s an…

And you thought the McCain camp was hoping the Catholic blowback from John Hagee’s endorsement would just blow over. Today, McCain rolled out his bigger and better National Catholics for McCain Committee. It’s been around for a while, but the McCain camp is actively growing the effort.

More evidence that Hillary Clinton enjoys a serious edge over Barack Obama among white evangelicals, from a new poll of Ohio primary voters by Faith in Public Life: Senator Hillary Clinton’s support from white evangelicals surpassed that of Senator Barack Obama’s in Ohio 57 percent to 35 percent. Senator John McCain and Governor Mike Huckabee…

God-o-Meter was just paging through Sarah Posner’s new book God’s Profits and noticed that the very first chapter opens with a quote from John Hagee’s endorsement of George W. Bush for president in 2000. God-o-Meter proceeded to enter the words “Hagee,” “Bush,” and “Catholic” in a Nexis search of all news sources from 1999 thru…

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