This all seems so eight years ago. A folksy Southern evangelical wins Iowa only to be stopped in his tracks by maverick John McCain. But will what happens next in the Republican presidential race be a replay of 2000? Will the Christian Right stop McCain cold in South Carolina? God-o-Meter doubts it. Let’s examine the…

When God-o-Meter went to the Parker’s Maple Barn in Mason, New Hampshire yesterday, it observed that everyone present was an evangelical or a frequent churchgoer, raising doubts that Huckabee is breaking out of his Christian Right base after winning Iowa last week almost solely on the backs of evangelicals. And tonight’s results and exit polls…

Just because 80-percent of his Iowa support came from evangelicals doesn’t mean Mike Huckabee isn’t seeking broader support. Take Catholics. Aboard his campaign bus yesterday, Huck gave a glimpse of how important the Catholic vote is to his success: Catholics were a major source of support for me in Arkansas. And they have been nationally.…

With Mike Huckabee’s dramatic win in Iowa and his impressive national poll numbers, the closest thing the Republican Party has to a frontrunner at the moment appears to be a Baptist preacher. But is another kind of preacher leading the Democratic presidential field? Stopping by a packed Barack Obama rally last night in Rochester, New…

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