The Fred Thompson campaign yesterday sent reporters an ABC News story headlined “Thompson Rallies Conservative Christians.” God-o-Meter suspects that that headline may be giving Thompson too much credit, given that the entire article is about his endorsement from the Wesleyan Center for Strategic Studies, a group God-o-Meter has never heard of. A quick Nexis search…

From an AP article on how McCain parried a Jesus question on the campaign trail yesterday: McCain wrapped up his two-day spin through South Carolina with a town hall meeting at a Greer family restaurant. John Grabiel, a Greer minister, pressed McCain about whether he considered Jesus Christ his personal savior, but McCain wouldn’t directly…

Former federal judge Robert Bork, a hero to the Christian Right since his 1987 nomination to the Supreme Court was torpedoed largely over his opposition to Roe v. Wade, endorsed Mitt Romney today. Here’s how Bork explained his decision: “…No other candidate will do more to advance the conservative judicial movement than Governor Mitt Romney.…

Who was it that predicted that yesterday’s new “values” television ad by Hillary Clinton would be the first in a series of such spots? Oh, right–that was God-o-Meter. The new ad, which began airing in Iowa and New Hampshire today, is being promoted by Clinton’s Faith, Family, and Values Team and includes enough mentions of…

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