Family Research Council Action, Washington’s premier Christian Right advocacy group, yesterday issued a defense of Mike Huckabee in the face of what it called a “reverse religious test” sparked by Huckabee’s past statements about AIDS, homosexuality, and the need to “take this nation back for Christ.” With Huckabee surging in recent national polls, those remarks…

It finally happened. Three months into a presidential campaign predicated largely on winning support from Southern evangelicals, Fred Thompson included a church visit on his official campaign schedule yesterday, according to a report from CBS News: MIAMI – In a move meant to solidify his conservative credentials among evangelicals and reach out to the Hispanic…

God-o-Meter would not ordinarily dredge up a nearly decade-old story on Mike Huckabee proclaiming the need to “take this nation back for Christ.” But God-o-Meter does not run the world; Matt Drudge does. And the lead story on The Drudge Report right now is a 1998 report in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette about Huckabee’s speech…

As Beliefnet co-founder/CEO/editor-in-chief Steven Waldman noted last week, Mitt Romney’s plea for religious tolerance excluded a pretty big chunk of the American religious landscape: the nonreligious. Is this Romney’s attempt to transcend the Mormonism/traditional Christianity gap by exploiting the overarching “God gap” in American politics? After all, which side one falls on in this latter…

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