Jesse Morgan via New Creation Living Blog

Six-year-old Lucy Morgan recently passed away from head trauma after a freak accident on the final day of her family vacation with her parents and three siblings. Lucy and her family were enjoying time in Limerick, Maine when tragedy struck on the final day of their trip. According to her father, Jesse, who is a pastor at Green Pond Bible Chapel in Rockaway, New Jersey, Lucy was watching her siblings play badminton when one of the rackets broke and struck her in the head. “We had an amazing lake cottage in Maine and were simply enjoying life together on our last full day here. We were eating a quick lunch by the lake and the kids decided to try badminton in the front yard,” Jesse wrote on his blog. “Bethany and I were relaxing in the back when we heard screaming,” he said. “Due to a freak accident with a racquet that broke on a downward swing, a sharp piece had entered Lucy’s skull while she was sitting on the sideline and caused catastrophic injury,” Jesse wrote. “She was still breathing but unresponsive as I held her with Bethany crying out to God.” Lucy was rushed to the local hospital before she was transferred to a hospital in Portland, Maine.

Her father detailed the hardships that the family went through while they prayed for a miracle. On the second day of Lucy’s hospital stay, Jesse and Bethany decided to share the severity of Lucy’s injuries with her three siblings. “We broke the news as gently as we could, but that is a conversation you never want to have with a 4-year-old, 8-year-old, and 10-year-old,” he wrote. Four days after the accident, Lucy succumbed to her injuries. “After significant thorough testing and even more repeated tests to be certain, brain death was declared at 1:32 a.m. on June 5, and her heart stopped beating around 4 a.m. Lucy was with Jesus,” he said. Jesse revealed that weeks prior to the accident, Lucy had asked her mother how to be with God and be saved. “Four weeks ago she asked Bethany how to be with God and be saved,” Jesse wrote. “Bethany explained it to her and offered to pray with her, but ‘Miss Independent’ wanted to do it herself. She went to her room and prayed to God to forgive her and that she believed in Jesus’ death and resurrection. What a gift.” The heartbroken parents were comforted after finding Lucy’s prayer journal. “It’s almost as if God was writing with her, drawing her to himself,” Jesse wrote. “How a six-year-old journals like this is beyond me. After that, she seemed to get writer’s block and just draw beautiful pictures of Bible stories and hearts.”

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