It is significant that John the Baptist called the Pharisees and Sadducees a “brood of vipers,” which basically meant he viewed them as poisonous children of snakes. In the ancient world this was an especially contemptuous insult because of a common belief regarding the circumstances of viper births. Many thought that some breeds of viper…

The Greek word for “Nazarene” is Nazōraios. Some theologians believe that word has its root in the Hebrew term, Nezer, which is used in the Messianic prophecy of Isaiah 11:1 and is typically translated “branch” (as in a tree branch that bears fruit). Others say it points to the Messianic prophecy in Isaiah 49:6 where…

Reader Appeal: Adults, Teens, Young Adults Genre: Bibles FBSN Rating: A- If you, or anyone in your family, ever wanted to read the Bible from beginning to end, this is the way to do it. The Chronological Study Bible’s unique conceit is simply to arrange the text of Scripture in “historical order.” Is that enough…

Matthew reports that Joseph was afraid to live in Judea under the rule of Herod’s son, Archelaus—and apparently with good reason. After Herod the Great died, there was a power struggle among his sons over who would inherent his kingdom. Archelaus had first assumed kingship, over the objections of his brothers. Meanwhile, revolutionaries stirred up…

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