Flower Mandalas

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Joy” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Joy: Openings Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder What draws many of us to babies is how they seem to experience life with excitement and wonder. This is our natural state,…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Intuition” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Intuition: Cultivation Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder In my dozen years of public schooling and 12 more of higher education in English, writing, and psychology, I have learned a lot…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Independence” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Independence: Declarations Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder As an American, I have valued independence most of my life. Independence is highly prized here. We announced our freedom from England with…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Illumination” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Illumination: Interweavings Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder il·lu·mi·na·tion (noun) a. The act of illuminating. b. The state of being illuminated. A source of light. Spiritual or intellectual enlightenment. Clarification; elucidation.…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Humor” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Humor: The world laughs Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder Long ago, when I was a technical writer at Digital Equipment Corporation, I carpooled to work with my editor. At one…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Grace” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Grace: Continuations Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder On February 21, 1993, at about 7:45pm, I was granted a form of grace that has shaped the rest of my life. On…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Hope” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Hope: The thing with feathers Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder The most useful advice I received early in therapist training came from my first internship supervisor. If we accomplished nothing…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Healing” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Healing: A compendium Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder They say timing is everything and that time heals all wounds. Timing is not everything. And time alone cannot heal all wounds.…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Gratitude” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Gratitude: Lists Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder While I was recovering from my Albany, NY, brush with death, one of my high school friends sent me a letter. In it,…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Generosity” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Generosity: Lighting the candle Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder There is a riddle that goes something like this: In Hell is a great dining table. On it are bowls of…

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