Flower Mandalas

100 Flower Mandalas website – comments welcome! To prepare for launching a Flower Mandalas marketing campaign, I built a new website of 100 Flower Mandalas, each in four variations (color on black background, color on white background, b&w on black background, b&w on white background). I’d really appreciate you kind people checking it out and helping…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Opportunity” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Opportunity: Arriving and becoming Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder The writer Stephen Levine, who has devoted much of his career to working with dying people, asks, “How soon will we…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Needs” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Needs: Demons, allies, shadows Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder Sometimes the things that plague us seem like demons. We watch helplessly as they make us do things we know are…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Mistakes” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Mistakes: Alchemy Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder Many of my older clients are disturbed by what they see as lost opportunities, wrong choices, wasted years. Even my younger clients, some…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Miracles” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Miracles: Yellow brick roads Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder I am a miracle worker by trade. Or more precisely, a facilitator of miracles. I make this claim sans grandiosity. My…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Love” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Love: Essentials Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder When I was 25, living in Manhattan and trying to jump start a career in writing and photography, I visited my parents and…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Longing” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Longing: Inclinations Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder A writer I knew some years ago collected her poems into a book she planned to call The Color of Longing. My longings…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Listening” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Listening: Self, others Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder Central to the near-death experience I had in Albany, NY, 20 years ago was multiple failures to listen – those of others…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Limitation” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Limitation: Liberation Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder Most of us associate choice with freedom, and as a freedom-loving nation we have responded by creating more and more choices. We grow…

NOTE: This is the first draft of the “Justice” essay in my forthcoming book, Fifty-Two Flower Mandalas. Responses and comments welcome, no matter how brief. Justice: Metamorphosis Copyright 2013 David J. Bookbinder In the late 1950s, psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg observed that as we mature, we move progressively through three basic levels of moral development. At…

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