Flirting with Faith

I am sitting here at a coffee shop in Austin an hour before I am scheduled to check in at the green room for my South by Southwest presentation having a Talking Heads moment.  You may find yourself living in a shotgun shackYou may find yourself in another part of the worldYou may find yourself…

My friends Jesse and Katie Rice have a call on their lives. They are convinced in the tradition of old-school Jesus-followers that they are to follow this call forward with or without the certainty of a particular job or method of making ends meet.  Impractical? Sure. Crazy? Maybe. Yet they are putting it all on the line…

Flirting with Faith: My Spiritual Journey From Atheism to a Faith-Filled Life, is set to release on May 11, 2010. Over the coming weeks I will be posting some excerpts, a sample chapter or two and sharing the latest about the release and supporting events. For now, here are some kind words about the story…

A recent Pew Research Forum study titled “Understanding the Participatory News Customer“, shows that many Americans view religion and spirituality is an underreported area in the news. According to the report: “41% of Americans say there is not enough coverage of religious and spiritual issues. Women (44%) are more likely than men (37%) to seek…

If you’ve never heard of Alvin Slaughter, today might be a good day to connect with this world-renowned gospel artist and his friends as some fun, devoted and enthusiastic people spend the next 30 days working together to shake some bad habits and prepare for the April release of Alvin’s new book, Reinvent Your Life.…

If you have never denied your want, how do you know how hunger feels? If you have never given up,how do you learn to receive? If you have never sat with emptiness,out of what do you fashion your hope? These are just a few of the beautifully constructed and thought-provoking questions that comprise a poem…

My friend Andrea posted this on Facebook. As I read it and consider this image of female sexuality against the very different yet equally challenging images young women receive today via television, the Internet and other sources, I can’t help but think that the sexuality pendulum has swung from one extreme to another. Would love…

Allow me to introduce my husband Martin. He is an artist, a musician and a student of graphic design. He is also the other half of my endeavor to give up the right to be right for lent. Rather than try to capture this lenten experiment through one set of eyes, I thought it might…

New author Renee Johnson and I have communicated through social networks and by telephone. She is at once enthusiastic and complex in her pursuit of her passion for writing and speaking and her desire to understand the challenges of balancing the promises of the Christian faith with the challenges of day-to-day life. Her first book,…

So last year was the first time I tried to practice lent. I wish I could say it was a wonderful and spiritually enlightening experience, but I have to admit that I failed not once, but twice to stick to a 40 day focus on lenten sacrifice. I don’t belong to a faith community that…

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