Flirting with Faith

While we don’t need to wait for Thanksgiving to write a gratitude list, it’s not a bad time to reflect and say thank you. Here are some of the things I have to be grateful for today… My husband and I are still best friends after after 13 years of marriage. Three unique and talented…

I am not great at resting.  Even when I have the time (which is rare) I find myself either filling my rest time with activity or retreating completely (i.e. a day or two at Holy Cross monastery) in order to detox from the hustle and bustle of everyday life to recharge.  For the past few…

“What does it mean to live a Christian life?  A simple question that has been asked and answered in countless books and sermons. The faithful and those that would call them to task wrestle with it and set out with varying degrees of intentionality to live an answer…with words or by example.  The Bible informs…

Woke this morning thinking about the scripture that says the early Christians liquidated all they had and used it to serve God and one another.  44All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 46Every day they continued to meet together in the…

This is the second in a series of guest posts from Christian scholars and thinkers regarding what Jesus might have made of the Charter for Compassion developed in response to religious scholar and TED Prize winner Karen Armstrong’s wish to develop a way for people of different faiths across the world to unite around their…

Here’s another Monotation from Spencer Burke, founder of the, and creator of these visual meditations with a single associated word meant to create space for personal reflection.  Tired and on deadline for my book today, this one helped me remember that, while circumstances may be out of my control today, my reaction to them is a choice. Look…

When religious scholar and author Karen Armstrong accepted the TED prize in February, 2008, she, like other recipients of the prize, shared a wish for the betterment of society. The former Roman Catholic nun who refers to herself as a “freelance monotheist” made the following request to the TED community: “I wish that you would…

I am writing from a crowded Terminal A at Washington/Dulles Airport. The fact that I am here at all is a mini-miracle since my 9:25 a.m. flight out of Newark, N.J. was actually a 9:25 a.m. flight out of LaGuardia – a bit of information that would have been nice to know as Martin and…

I love this idea. A visual mediation with a single associated word meant to create space for personal reflection. The Polaroid Camera frame adds to the charm of what creator Spencer Burke, founder of the, calls a Monotation. He posts them daily at his website and makes some of the images available here for journals, notecards…

There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors, and hail a materialist and a magician with the…

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