“Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead.” Philippians 2:3 (The Message)

No one has missed the headline story this week – 33 Chilean miners are being rescued after being trapped for an agonizing 69 days. It’s an incredible story with a wonderful ending – and I’m sure there will be amazing stories told in the days, weeks, and months ahead. But the story that may not be written is the one that can teach us the most.

Two mine rescue workers SIGNED UP & VOLUNTEERED to go DOWN into the mine to help the stranded miners get to the surface. They went DOWN INTO the darkness so the others could see the light of day. They could have stayed on the surface with TV cameras, family, and politicians – but they didn’t. And, as a result, they will be the last ones out, when the ordeal reaches it’s conclusion.

If there’s a lesson for us and for the church, maybe this is it – we need to break out of our holy huddle, go where we’re needed (sometimes to dark places), and stay to the end! That’s when we know we’re doing real Kingdom work!

Bruce Barnard is Lead Pastor of the Warwick Valley Church of the Nazarene in Warwick, NY
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