Woke up this morning still thinking about the impact on human beings of living through a time of Exponential Change.  I’m not referring to the masses. I have a difficult enough time figuring out where I fit in the world without attempting to speculate on the whole of humanity. Instead I am thinking about individual people. Folks like you and me. 

Much has been written about the impact of the Internet, specifically in the areas of social networking, on our relationships with one another. We’ve all read the stories or seen them on television – the forty year old men pretending to be a teenager to meet young girls or the mousy housewife turned naughty vixen in Second Life. These extreme examples are far off for many of us. Sure, we may only post the best pictures of ourselves on Facebook or we edit and rewrite a piece or comment that we hope will be read as “off the cuff,” but that’s just putting out best foot forward. It’s certainly not pedophile or vixen-mommy-level bad behavior.
As I continued to consider the question two thoughts crossed my mind that I’d like to throw out there for your thoughts… 
1) When did we get so comfortable blaming technology for human shortcomings?
2) When did the bad behavior of others become the yardstick by which we (consciously or unconsciously) measure our own behavior? 
Look forward to hearing what you think…
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