News flash. Love is everywhere. In everyone. And is the natural state of being. As the Troubadours wrote “perfect love is born from what the eyes have made welcome to the heart. For as all true loves know, love is perfect kindness which is born, there is no doubt, from the heart and the eyes.”…

Get out there and express yourself.  Today is the day to DO IT! There is no ‘I’m not ready.’  You have always wanted to take a Dance class.  Sign Up.  You have always longed to do something.  Do it. Experience the satisfaction of acting on your wish.  Take a chance today to enjoy yourself.  Whatever…

Inspiration + Enthusiasm = BIG Power Take chances. Being In Greatness. Enjoy the fullness of possibility. Celebrate all the wonders spread before you. Fly like an eagle above the fray of your life giving yourself a google earth view. Lines drawn to separate are always man made. Existence has no boundaries, it draws no lines.…

“Each of us is on the earth with a holy mission: to give and to receive the love of God. With every encounter, it is our function to give to others the love we wish to receive. As we do so, we minister to their heart and to our own. ”  Marianne Williamson   Lesson…

I am blessed to live and love my life surrounded by people who have a dream, who work every day to transcend the fear of the unknown, and every day rise up to whatever comes no matter what, with grace and compassion. I have come to a place in my life where I love everyone I meet for who…

Being precedes the doing.  So today is the day to be in touch with the present.  To love well. To be well. My first mentor taught me ‘don’t try to be better than your competitors try to be better than yourself.  It brings to mind the quote from my dear friend’s support group for the…

Give birth to the expression of your authentic self today.  Use the void between each breath to expand the truth of your unique journey, divinely guided in the most perfect fashion, surrounded by support for all the tears and laughter, expanding friendships, and connections that will feed your soul.  Ignite your ancestral heritage, that vibration…

Do you spend time making things more complicated than they need to be because you have placed your faith in unloving thinking? Faith is an aspect of consciousness.  What you choose to hold dear will bear fruit.  Take today to practice placing your faith in the miraculous.  In the unending, all powerful, cycle of nature…

Take a stand in your life and assume a position of strength and love in every encounter. When you assume a position in your heart standing for the truth, no matter how terrifying, it enables all parties involved in the encounter and drama to be free.  In the light of this kind of truth you…

1)  DARE TO BE REMARKABLE Infuse your action with the confidence of your being, remembering who you are. A remarkable glorious one of a kind creation. You are a beautiful essential expression of life filled with joy and inspiration. It is time to own it. The human condition is uncommonly extraordinary and there is nothing…

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