Margaret Mitchell’s character Scarlett O’Hara had it down in Gone With The Wind… “I won’t think of this or that bothersome thought now. I’ll think about it tomorrow.” Generally when tomorrow came the thought either didn’t occur at all or if it did was so attenuated by the delay it was not very troublesome. Pull a…

Open your heart fully. Let the essence of your self radiate today and blossom with every word you speak. “Around me the trees stir in their leaves And call out, “Stay awhile.” The light flows from their branches. And they call again, “It’s simple,” they say, “and you too have come into the world to…

Allow everything to open up in the place of connection where walls and separation crumbles and falls away surrendering to the giving and receiving of love in its purest form. “Free of the constraints of the lie you have been telling yourself forever” and remember the infinity loop of heaven on earth in the fullness…

Free your mind and honor your expression’s deepest truth. “My mind is a bad neighborhood, I don’t like to go alone.”  — Anne Lamont Kick out the offending elements and the crazy self talk. Let drop any thoughts that are not loving and take a stroll through your mind in the warm embrace of freedom. Standing…

Thinking about inviting more and more love into your life. Here’s a look at what is ahead for October. Enjoy being more loving.  Enjoy a little extra support in kickstarting what is next in your life with so much love. Never doubt the power of love to shift your vision.  Print this out, add it…

A dear comedy writer friend of mine shared a tiny detail of his process in handling the massive rejection and ongoing notes and the general ‘not getting it’ that takes place with his work. He made a decision long ago that when someone did say something nice he would take it at face value imagining…

Expressing the work of the soul in openness and joy and so much love TS Eliot’s Four Quartets spoke of the release into what lies beneath and beyond… I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope For hope would be hope for the wrong thing; wait without love, For love would be…

I don’t know how it gets better than this.  Total love.  Each and everyday.  Aint no stopping us now.  One Hundred and One fantastic days of full celebration of all the love shifting so many perceptions creating unlimited miraculous possibilities.  It has been nothing short of spectacular.  I am grateful for everyone’s support and continued loving efforts.…

Say it loud and say it proud.  “I AM POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE” and repeat often.  Do not shy away from the truth of who you are.  Live in the full light of all that you are. May it get easier and more effortless for you to go through deeper and deeper doors of love and…

May all of your actions be reborn and your efforts rewarded 1000 fold. By allowing everything that naturally comes up in a Loving embrace to wash through and connect to that language beyond words, to take that beat of Love, everything becomes lighter; the challenges, the tests and the traumas, our perceived differentness melts away…

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