You hit the point where excuses are not acceptable. Whatever it takes, make a commitment to yourself and keep it. Do it… No No… Seriously. You are almost half way through transformation, making a shift in your heart. Don’t stop now. Make Love your mantra as the total purpose of doing what is next takes…

You are amazing. It is time to own up!  Love you, all of you. It’s time to move into deep respect and appreciation for who you are as you. No holding back. Say it loud and say it proud “This is Me” and love all of you. if you want to take it up a…

Thank you, God.  Thank you, Life.  Thank you, Everyone.  You are the light of the world. No matter what is going on, no matter what is coming up in your world, there is love. Give thanks. Give love. Let it be. Amen. I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope, for hope…

Allow everything to open up in the place of connection where walls and separation crumbles and falls away surrendering to the giving and receiving of love in its purest form. “Free of the constraints of the lie you have been telling yourself forever” and remember the infinity loop of heaven on earth in the fullness…

Thinking about inviting more and more love into your life. Here’s a look at what is ahead for October. Enjoy being more loving.  Enjoy a little extra support in kickstarting what is next in your life with so much love. Never doubt the power of love to shift your vision.  Print this out, add it…

Step into the destiny of this moment.  No matter what you think is stopping you, forget it and jump in, take that next step.  Remember you begin again with each breath where everything is possible and new worlds await.  It is only important that you take the step forward. In developing this practice your internal…

Deep listening is the most direct route to connecting to your still small voice, to those whispers of spirit. You know. You know when you listen to that voice, that feeling,and you know when you don’t. It is a practice you can strengthen. The universal symphony is always broadcasting the most divinely inspired message guiding…

Been thinking a lot about personal responsibility, as the news trumpets on, and life marches forward and as change is constant, and the ways we could complain endless.  Today is Day 1 of the #Next 100 Mel’s Love Land Challenge to take a stance in your life and quite simply, look at the world with…

Every great essay, movement, invention, innovation, exercise begins and ends with what I call my theory of genius-ness.  That moment of intuition and courage when spirit delivers a message on the wings of angels. “I have a great idea.” The pure expression of purpose and wakefull-ness.  My idea is so great, I am going to…

Prayer is the Medium of miracles.  Don’t get to the point where you need to say ‘all we can do is pray.’  Remain prayerful each day, find a way to introduce the magic and miracle of this conversation with God. An invocation of spirit by Paulo Coelho. Lord, protect our doubts, because Doubt is a way of…

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