There is a garden growing and flourishing brilliantly within the ground of your being utilizing divine intelligence symbiotically blossoming in service to the highest expression of who you are.  This garden is nourished by Love. In the preface to Emanuel Swedenborg’s Divine Love and Wisdom the Latin Translator of the text talks about the sketch…

When my friend and I are having a particularly hard time we call the other and start singing a lyric from Carrie Underwood’s song and we smile and laugh and we feel better. Jesus take the Wheel is the only thing to do when there is nothing else to do. Give it over.  Make a…

You are not trying to be any one else, you are living your life as an expression of love for who and what you were put on the planet to do. This breath represents the fullness of all that you are, every cell of your being alive and awake to who and what makes your…

Eternal presence. The gift of love laid bare. During this day, remember Love given and experienced endlessly works miracles. Ephesians 1:4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love. This is how we do it.  In thinking with the thoughts of…

It’s amazing how it’s always all there. So many cues, clues and symbols. Opening doors into new worlds just waiting. Waiting for the decoding and the processing and the recognition. Sitting right in front of you. With the popularity of Dan Brown novels and all the scholars and resources and the internet you would think…

Get out there and express yourself.   Today is the day to DO IT! There is no saying ‘I’m not ready.’  Ready or not.  Go.  If you have always wanted to take a Dance class.  Sign Up.  If you have always longed to do something.  Do it.  Experience the satisfaction of acting on your wish. …

The world is a beautiful place and the people in it are a most fantastic bunch.  Take today to affirm what is lovely and amazing that sits right before your eyes, every day.  Appreciate the beauty in small things and big things and ordinary things.  Practice this affirmation of grace today and everyday.  Offer the gift of total and…

Inspiration + Enthusiasm = BIG Power Listen to your intuition. Take chances based on your hearts knowing. Being In Greatness. Experiencing your ultimate power. Enjoy the fullness of possibility.  Celebrate all the wonders spread before you.  Fly like an eagle above the fray of your life giving yourself a google earth view. Lines drawn to…

“Each of us is on the earth with a holy mission: to give and to receive the love of God. With every encounter, it is our function to give to others the love we wish to receive. As we do so, we minister to their heart and to our own. “  Marianne Williamson Lesson 154…

When we don’t have awareness about our thing that triggers us…  The future can be something unintendedly unfortunate. When we are aware of our trigger we can fully make a choice to recognize what is a loving response in each situation and we can dramatically transform the ways which we are in relationship to our…

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