Flight of the Soul

Take the hugest step on the path to your most radiant self making Love your bottom line. Day 9 |  Let Joy and Happiness Lead the Way Don’t be fooled that how you do one thing isn’t how you do everything. The happiness quotient in our life is directly related to the promises and commitments…

The journey to our authentic self is our destiny. We arrive through love in all its blazing glory. Day 8 |  Step Up Step up and into the destiny of this moment. No matter what you think is stopping you, forget it and step up, take that next loving action. Remember you begin again with…

Enter the sacredness of your truest home, that space where love and forgiveness meets an open heart becoming a soulful force of nature.  Become today someone who is full and rich and free of the past judgments and dramas and struggles. Day 7 |  Listen to Your Intuition Forgive yourself now, then and forever for…

Do not get caught in other people’s insanity, or more importantly, your own. Wash the entire story with Love and bare witness to the truth. When a decision is made in Love doubt ceases. Love brings peace of mind and a certainty of purpose. Move toward that sacred feeling of warmth in the embrace of…

Foster the capacity to have more compassion for yourself and what seems to be a mis-take or an embarrassment and live in the loving energy of the truth of who you are. Day 5 |   Shake it Off Forgive yourself now, then and forever for every unloving thought, release it into the ethers from whence…

Cherish the nice things people have to say, be grateful for the kindness, and accept the blessing without self-judgment deflecting it absorbing it deeply into the seat of your soul. Day 4 |   Cherish Each Moment Let everything reveal itself exactly as it is exercising your inner musculature of not doing — and just be.…

In the midst of your life is a space of stillness. A space where you can hear everything that is in service to a beautiful garden of your being. Living from that space delivers a life to its purpose. Day 3 |   Seek to be Still Let everything reveal itself exactly as it is exercising…

In the midst of your life is a space of stillness. A space where you can hear everything that is in service to a beautiful garden of your being. Living from that space delivers a life to its purpose. Day 2 |  First, do no Harm In every interaction, in every circumstance,  practice the aligning yourself…

Day 1 | Only Love is Real Today is a day to remember the glory of Love in all its facets and all its possibilities. Put a smile in your heart and open the door to more and more miracles remembering only love is real.   Affirm It | Day 1 I love with a brave…

We have all born witness to events that shake us to the roots of our existence. How we deal with these events and the effort of learning that ‘this too shall pass’ allowing the healing around the corner to unfold is the essence of picking a path and sticking to it, from witnessing the darkness…

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