The world is a beautiful place and the people in it are a most fantastic bunch. Take today to affirm what is lovely and amazing that sits right before your eyes, every day. Appreciate the beauty in small things and big things and ordinary things. Practice this affirmation of grace today and every day. Offer…

The definition of involvement is as follows 1) The fact or condition of being involved with or participating in something. 2) Emotional or personal association with someone. Over the holiday my friend’s nine year old son read a card he got from his aunt and uncle for his birthday. As he was reading the word…

Thinking about inviting more and more love into your life. Here’s a look at what is ahead for October. Enjoy being more loving.  Enjoy a little extra support in kickstarting what is next in your life with so much love. Never doubt the power of love to shift your vision.  Print this out, add it…

Every heart beats true for the red white and blue, words written by George M. Cohan a lyricist, performer and true renaissance man captured the heart of the industrial revolution and the spirit of the birth of our one nation under God. It is an honor to live in this country, to be afforded the freedoms…

Are you living the life you are supposed to live?  Are you being the person who is a joy to others by being a light unto yourself. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them…

The pure way Michael Jackson sings “I’ll Be There’ written by Berry Gordy in the height of Motown records success reveals the divine at work in all things and the way that music allows a deeper connection with the space that understands what it means to have faith in all you do. Where there is…

Today release the attachment to grandiosity.  Remember the story of the Colors. Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel:  all claimed that they were the best, the most important, the most useful, the favorite. GREEN said:  “Clearly I am the most important.  I am the sign of life and of hope. …

I saw a sign for mind freak Criss Angel’s Believe show in Las Vegas.  Right in front of me – BELIEVE highlights the word play and hidden meaning amplifying the truth that sits in front of us waiting, the LIE is hidden in BELIEVE, and in thinking about it for just a second, there is…

We all come to crossroads in our life where we need support and have to ask for help.  Some us find this easy and for others it is a challenge.  Operation Support takes the eternal expression of brotherhood in the military “Leave no man behind”  and turns it into a practice of humanity in the…

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