You have the answer. You know what to do. Take today to own all of it. It has been said that deep listening is the truest form of intimacy. That space where everything necessary for our unfoldment is heard giving us the opportunity to reach beyond differences and to rise into our fullest humanity.  Each of…

The soul knows where it belongs.  Not some of the time.  All of the time.  When you strip everything away and get bare this fact sings. It doesn’t matter what path you choose, what form the exploration, just that you gently bare yourself today, removing any blocks to keeping yourself open. Your life to date;…

Mark TODAY as your harvest time, and absolutely reap what you have sown. If your harvest is sweet, treasure your efforts. If it is sour, treasure your efforts. Remembering the lesson. In the planting we learn, in the harvest we grow and no matter what, there is absolutely always a new season to begin again.…

All acts in the world begin in the imagination. It’s Time. Let any story that no longer serves the deeper peaceful-ness of your being fall away. Step into the next possibility of the greatest expression of your wholeness. Turn all the absolute shining brilliance of possibility into full on probability. Let go of your anxiousness,…

What story are you telling yourself right now? If it is something less than a grand magnificent story about how amazing you are and that your needs are important. It is time to change it. I will remember there is no good or bad, there are only opportunities to be more Loving than was previously…

Life offers endless opportunity and limitless possibilities in each moment you are present with love.  Don’t miss out by not showing up fully. Give your all to the task at hand dropping into the deeper waters of the moment. When you express love in every action your relationships, your creativity, your dating experiences, your job,…

See the greatness in everyone that you meet offering up Love as you go and with each step embracing the world as the great place it is representing so many stories of uniqueness, of people, of neighborhoods, cities and rural municipalities, of individuals who put their hopes and dreams on the line every day. Become…

“No more questions please.  No more tests.  Come’s the day you say what for, please, no more.”  Love works in every situation. End of Story.  You do not need to prove it, to test it or anyone, you do not need to question it you merely need to take loving action. Near the end of Stephen Sondheim’s Into…

Get out there and shine baby shine.  No sense hiding your light, or failing to step into the grace, power and beauty of who you are, exactly as you are. “From where I’m standing the sun is shining all over the place.” These magical words, not just the opening to the most wonderful musical scene…

It is with practice that we create sustainable faith in the perfection of our actions.  The clarity of spirit emerges through the conditioning of a practice opening to the truth of spirit.  Love is a practice and a choice and an endeavor and a co-creator.  It lives and breathes in everything as it is the function and…

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