“If we treat people as they are, we make them worse. If we treat people as they ought to be, we help them become what they are capable of becoming.” – Goethe, 1749-1832 Life has a way of becoming what we are thinking. People act to our expectations. What we expect we get. Make a…

Your light and your dark, your mistakes and your triumphs, your false steps and your fabulous leaps, your abilities and your inabilities, your failures and your successes make you perfectly you. With the Earth’s population numbers passing seven billion people. As we lose the night heavens to urban light sources and the forever creeping development…

When your heart is alternately breaking and expanding with equal beats in a rhythm of truth you are fully alive, bearing witness to the events of our days. Occupy Wallstreet continues to amaze me in what it is bringing to light about the state of America. Listen to the sounds in the wake of this movement. Listen…

“Thank You for keeping us safe. Thank you for your service to our country. Thank you for saving us from danger.” One after the other the letters written by children from a neighborhood Elementary School were delivered to the wounded soldiers recovering at a local Veteran’s Hospital. “Dear Veteran… Dear Mr. Soldier… Dear Service Women……

Let the truth open you up. Let what you see in your mind’s eye radiate into reality. Let everything now and forever become an unstoppable force of full potentiality. As Werner Erhard said “you can live your life out of your circumstances or you can live your life out of vision.” Have a vision. It…

It’s amazing to me how every time I pick up Eleanor Roosevelt’s Autobiography something miraculous jumps off the page… “About the only value the story of my life may have is to show that one can, even without any particular gifts, overcome obstacles that seem insurmountable if one is willing to face the fact that…

As human beings on the planet today in the midst of a tremendous transformational time. It is our responsibility to speak our truth. To demonstrate to ourselves, our kids, our families and our communities the way to peace of mind. To learn how to connect to our inner voice and give it the respect it…

Start a practice of Loving You for life embracing the truth in each situation with love. CARE DON’T CARRY – Take nothing on — in essence you are compassionate but there is nothing you can do to fix another person. It is always an inside job. Listen without the need to do anything. Care about…

Unlock the power of the universe to deliver exactly what you need in the most authentic way in service of divine will. Tell the truth about where you are and what is going on. Don’t dwell on what it is any more or carry that secret. Believe me… it is too heavy to burden your…

The end is never the end. Impermanence is the way of life. Enjoy each moment. Don’t forget to celebrate everything and always keep in mind the next event will have a beginning, middle and end — and on and on.  Live in knowing you are fully and wholly present within each activity, enjoying each step.…

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