the Old ones sayNo matter what divides us, we must remain united in the highest order of freedom with respect for our differences and find our common connections.
Next 100 | Day 69 | Do Your Best, No More, No Less 
When the best of us is brought forth, it gives us the chance to let go of the worst of us. Move into deep respect and appreciation for who you are. No holding back.
Affirm It | Day 68
I always do my best, no more, no less.
The Four Agreements (Don Miguel Ruiz)
Be impeccable with your word.
Don’t take anything personally.
Don’t make assumptions.
Always do your best. No More. No Less.
May you surprise yourself with the power and depth of your open loving heart.
Love, Mel
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Day 70 8th Next 100 Count Your Blessings

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