Last Sunday, 2/11, a collective of miracle workers discussed healing of the soul of America to increase the love quotient on the planet. It was a call hosted by wisdom teacher and miracle activist Marianne Williamson, as an offering and sharing broadcast in support of her ongoing 2018 Love America Tour.

Before and After the Valentine's Day Massacre

My entire adult life, our systems have been built on fear and wrong minded thinking that have left us in the hands of a few  (the opposite of the American Dream.)   Acknowledging and understanding history and what has fused and infused in the 20th Century is an important step in relinquishing and accepting the past. As spiritual healers and love activists we are taught and come to know what anything unaddressed is repeated until it is laid to rest. While we can’t change the past we can release it and remain present in this moment with love and atone for all that we did not get or understand and ask for forgiveness allowing miracles to flow from the unhinged electricy of the moment. Marianne talked through the history of America and its principled revolutionary Democracy. In this Sunday ceremonial sharing of the past, the idea on this given Sunday was to set the foundation of a loving opening in the present moment, creating loving impulses to beat into a new day. The principles of love work when practiced. Love does not care about thinking it co-creates to birth the evolutionary outcome of the individuals utilizing its principles.

Marianne talked about the subconscious reversion to aristocracy that has occurred through the end of the 20th century and continued into the beginning of the 21st instead of embodying the full nature of Democracy. Information was offered so all who heard the broadcast could  consider the possibility there is another way to look at our current situation.

Our collective heart on this given Sunday created a field of loving possibility fueled with information for the soul and insights to light the way ahead…

We joined together in shifting our thinking, allowing for the possibility of change to flow freely from any chains that bind it down to lower thought forms.

We got real about the history of American politics and the slide into Authoritarianism.

We got real about everything and acknowledged the causes that have lead to current effects.

Results are inherent in the means

The ways that we live and the ways that we judge

The ways we hold the conversation of the heart and soul

And the ways that love builds bridges

We talked about our kindergartens, our schools, our beings and the communities we occupy and interact with.

We talked about the opportunities we all have to be different today then we were yesterday. It was a powerful talk that spoke directly to one of our greatest natural resources of the 21st Century. Our children those souls born in the 21st Century, who are destined to deliver a world of love and compassion and intuition and patience and grace free of the 21th Century BS but born to deal with the truth through the illusions, free from the chains of the enslavement that made so many contradictory events possible.

Melanie Lutz 7th Annual Mels Love Land All Systems Love Next100 | Why We Speak of LoveMoving forward we created some through lines as those who carry the consciousness of both worlds, new and old, to find spaces to support those who come after us.

These pathways are the reason we speak of love:

To not repeat historical patterns, to not rely on someone else but to plug into the power of the heart.

Sunday’s around the world are days to become one with nature, they are days to rest, to reset, to wonder, to be with all that is and to sit with our father and our brothers and our mothers and our communities.

Today is a new day. A sad day. A day of disgust and disdain for inaction.

What was different about this Sunday? Not much except a collective group (a critical mass if you will) picked up the ball and chose to love with compassion and actively enter the field as warriors in service to the community. It was powerful and a quiet, simple, peace filled, prayer filled time.

It was also the Sunday before what would come to be known as the St. Valentine’s Massacre of 2018, when a 19 year old teenager walked into a FL school with an automatic weapon and killed 17 people, injuring 14 more and shaking up an entire nation.

Here are my takeaways:

Today is a day to begin again.

Today is a day where anything can happen. Good and Bad.

Today is a day where we have the opportunity to lay down our swords and enter a new pathway toward peace in our hearts and minds and it is a day we can perceive no differences as healing of our soul of America.

In my writings, again and again, it is clear the soul knows where it belongs, not some of the time, all of the time, it doesn’t care, it wants to express its DNA’s code. The soul is free from the body, free from societies thinking, free to be present to all that is, free to be an open hearted, loving participant in the ways of a new order built on love.

Diving deeply into the river of consciousness, we experience each other now and forever as our neighbors as ourselves. We must be dedicated to the full and truth filled self-actualization, as there is only one of us here, in concert with all things.

My calling for 2018 is to expand into more and more of my practice of All Systems Love. My 7th Annual Next 100 Why We Speak of Love practice is simple.

We speak of love because–

Too many children are food insecure.

Too many children are on a trajectory to prison.

Too many children are not prioritized.

Now is the way we make manifest the compassionate miracle of love.

Now is the opportunity to release the past and unhinge the future.

Now is the time to love more fiercely. More deeply. More compassionately.

Now is the time to be on our knees in grace.

Now is the time to take loving action

Now is the time to stand up for the truth (which never changes)

No defense is appropriate it does not lead to a miracle.

Defenses need to be laid down and we must find a way to work together to ensure our 21st century evolution is a story of peace and prosperity to ordain and establish a new world.

Beyond division, and hatred and fear is a great healing, a power greater than bullets and we, together, hold that experience. The fullest waking up across our lands is the recognition as we move from love they neighbor to I am my neighbor and bring care, compassion, humanity, and kindness into our neighborhoods and communities. Thankful to Marianne Williamson for her persistent efforts in holding space forever deepening miracles of love. Tears continue to flow for those who have lost loved ones in the Our collective heart while broken, beats in enduring solidarity.

Love. Mel


For Further Open Hearted Grace:

You can listen to a replay of the Sunday talk with Marianne Williamson here discussing her plans for her Love America Tour here and get yourself set to catch upcoming podcasts, see what and who carries loving principles into our communities, neighborhoods and hearts and see her live if you get a chance. It is time for adult conversations, for spirit to go deeply into the loving necessary to sustain a bridge into the 21st heart and beyond, that space where we are free from enslavement of our thinking and we are able to move freely with ideas of peace and love and compassion and constant change and evolution and throw away everything that is not real as we march forward into persistent loving priorities of organizing the worlds we inhabit and offering all of our gifts into this space of heaven on earth as a bridge for our tomorrows and remembrance of returning home to love.

Marking the time of change.

Marking the time of resolve.

Marking the time of transformation.

Reclaiming our time.


Feb 14 9:47

Where do we go from here?

We no longer live in the 20th Century. This is the 21st Century. It is all about the co-creative alignment with love. The 21st Century has new requirements; it demands openhearted love enough for full transformation of perceived differences. The 20th Century thoughts, patterns, systems are dying and a new world order is being assembled.

Melanie Lutz Picture Only Love is RealOur ongoing love activities and current Next 100 Days of Love, Why We Speak of love is to combat the BS that has lived and breathed in our conscious and unconscious airways untethered by love. If the idea of All Systems Love speaks to you. Now is the time for fierce loving connection.

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