Today is your day for each second to represent the ever increasing joy and rhythm of your life.

Give time to love, give time to speak the truth, and give time to share the precious thoughts on your mind.  Allow space for magnificence to blossom in your life.

“One resists the invasion of armies; one does not resist the invasion of ideas.” from Victor Hugo.

On the planet today with the proliferation of technology and the advancement of weaponry to destroy it is clear there is one path through… Remembering the truth. Peace is your responsibility & Love Remains the Answer.

Open up to different thinking; where peaceful ideas are our imagination’s new army.  Make today and everyday a time to love deeply completely, wholeheartedly.

With Infinite Love and Gratitude


Today is DAY 97 MEL’S LOVE LAND #NEXT100 | A Time to Love

Take Mel’s Love Land Pledge!!

(Repeat after Me)

For the #Next100 Days I am going to consider the possibility there is another way…. 

(add whatever ‘feels right’ allow it to be your reality evenif it is just for one moment, revel in the idea that there is another way to look at it and allow yourself the privilege of true sightbeyond your perceptions because whatever follows ‘I will consider the possibility there is another way’ will be the direction that you set – make it count)

For the next 100 days I am going to consider the possibility there is another way, I will love well with care for myself and the compassionate action of service.

For more information check out all systems love AND  the Kindle edition of Mel’s Love Land it is available for NOW!

Mels Love Land is not a place you can go to on a map. It is an experience of yourself within, an experience of deep and abiding peace of mind, body and spirit, a place where you can wake up in full joy of your being and fully participate in every process of
your life enraptured in the sacredness of your truest home, that space where love and forgiveness meets an open heart becoming a soulful force of nature.  Get out there and be loving.  SUPER LOVING. RIGHT NOW.

For more information check out

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