Thanks God for everything!   As Meister Eckhart says “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”

Thanks be for everyone, everywhere.

Thank you to all who contribute their time and attention and energies to the spirit of our collective connection.

Thank you.

The gifts you have so graciously given are deeply appreciated.

Thank you for all your loving thoughts and Thank you for extending that experience of grace through you with each breath you take.

In short. Thank you.

May Love land in the deepest spaces of your truest self and may the lightest touch of peace awaken all to your call.

The book the Color Purple is told through a series of letters The Color Purple written by Alice Walker was reformed as a brilliant movie directed by Steven Spielberg and then into a blockbuster Broadway show. The book starts with the lead character writing a letter to a God outside of herself not understanding why God is not listening to her and moves through a beautiful story of the birth of a soul, ending with a letter to a God within her, and everything she sees, marking the shift in her faith and deeper understanding of the mystery of source.

This idea is powerfully translated in the below Lyrics from Broadway Show.

“Dear God, Dear Stars, Dear Trees, Dear Sky, Dear People,

Dear Everything….  

God is inside of me and everything else, that was or ever will be.

In thanking God we are honoring that sacred space within where our true power lies.

With Infinite Love and Gratitude

Glory be to God.

In the highest.

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Take Mel’s Love Land Pledge!!

(Repeat after Me)

For the #Next100 Days I am going to consider the possibility there is another way…. 

(add whatever ‘feels right’ allow it to be your reality even if it is just for one moment, revel in the idea that there is another way to look at it and allow yourself the privilege of true sight beyond your perceptions because whatever follows ‘I will consider the possibility there is another way’ will be the direction that you set – make it count)

For more information check out all systems love AND if you want to get the Kindle edition of Mel’s Love Land it is available for pre-order now, releases 12/13/14

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