Give birth to the most loving expression of your most authentic self today. Use the void between each breath to expand the truth of your unique journey, divinely guided in the most perfect fashion, surrounded by support for all the tears and laughter, expanding friendships, and connections that will feed your soul. Ignite your ancestral heritage, that vibration of eternal existence, with full nourishment providing all the new creation energy necessary for your growth.

On this day, from the heart of Los Angeles, the City of Angels, I offer a tiny prayer from my collection of inspired affirmations of thought I am a Magnificent Woman that was gifted to me through my own tears. It was the answer to the question that I had walked and lived after leaving my marriage not knowing which end was up. It was the answer to ‘Who Are You?’ And a most beautiful universal gift, because once I remembered who I was, I could remember who everyone is.

We are here to celebrate our amazing, magnificent and phenomenalness.

Break your own prayers open on the wind. Use the energy of our collective next 100 loving intentions and the magic of this moment to combine, uplift, and empower your next steps.

Throughout my process of events, and speeches and talks in asking what someone’s “I am” was??… The most interesting one came in the form of a woman who quietly approached me after a talk.  What she said took my breath away. Her “I am” after a most beautiful pregnant pause was … “Listening.”

“I am listening.”

It is what we are all here to do.  Listen to what love wants to reveal in our minds and hearts and open up to the next level of our Soul’s code.

The “I AM” statement is the most powerful truth in the Bible “Be still and know that I am.” This is one of the largest tools in the human arsenal. To listen to the still quiet voice that has the answers for our highest good.

Whatever you say after I AM becomes your reality.

Every time an “I AM” is spoken an Angels heart is filled with joy and our societal connection ignites, binding the speaker together with a spirit in flight…

Practice your “I AM” and feel the miracle of calm rise within your being.

I am… present
I am… grateful
I am… blessed
I am… supported
I am… content
I am… ever evolving

Each “I AM” builds on the last and is filled with presence and intention and powers up our intentions.

With everything going on in the world, today is the day to check in with yourself and listen to the truth of today’s “I AM” and when you hear it. Own it. Use your “I AM” to remember the truth… Use it to let your emotions flow, to just be in your space, allowing defenses fall away, and the surfacing emotions to release in the loving exchange.

Today. Mine is…


It is an I AM to remember.

A love that is ever connected, ever free and wholehearted.

With Infinite Love and Gratitude

love land I am love


For more information check out all systems love AND if you want to get INVOLVED

Take Mel’s Love Land Pledge!!

(Repeat after Me)

For the #Next100 Days I am going to consider the possibility there is another way…. 

(add whatever ‘feels right’ allow it to be your reality even if it is just for one moment, revel in the idea that there is another way to look at it and allow yourself the privilege of true sight beyond your perceptions because whatever follows ‘I will consider the possibility there is another way’ will be the direction that you set – make it count)

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