A monk was meditating in the desert when a beggar came up to him and said:

“I need to eat.”

The monk – who was almost reaching the point of perfect harmony with the spiritual world – did not answer.

“I need to eat” insisted the beggar.

“Go to the town and ask someone else. Can’t you see that you are bothering me? I am trying to communicate with the angels.”

“God placed himself lower than men, washed their feet, gave His life, and no-one recognized Him,” the beggar replied. “He who says he loves God – who does not see – and forgets his brother – who does – is missing the juice of a life truly in harmony.”

And the beggar turned into an Angel.

“So close.” the Angel remarked before leaving.

This moment standing in front of you, that you may think is a nuisance, that you absolutely don’t have time for, believe isn’t your deal, not your responsibility. This moment, this thing, that’s irritating, bothering, showing up in your path is exactly what is up for you and necessary to drop into the next deepening expression of yourself. Don’t ignore it in your self initiated ‘knowing’ you are doing something more important.

Don’t let the moments of grace slip by. Take a beat.

Each of us is here to give and to receive love… That is it… whereby in every encounter we are blessed with an opportunity to extend kindness and compassion to a brother. Don’t miss the possibilities in each moment.

May you feel connected, comforted and full of peace

Today. Now. Always.

May you see with your heart and be able to recognize
the truth in every situation you encounter.

With Infinite Love and Gratitude


Take Mel’s Love Land Pledge

For the #Next100 Days I am going to consider the possibility there is another way….

I will listen and stay open to the loving action that needs to be taken

I will encourage others to fly.

I won’t stay asleep, I will awaken to the truth.

I will take flight into the possibility of the present moment.

I will see the truth shining through each heart I meet.

I will follow my still small voice in owning what I know

I will let love lead the way.

I will savor the fruits of my labor.

I won’t stay stuck in my story, I will quite simple love the adventure.

I won’t shy away from what needs to be done.  I will impact every situation with love.

I won’t listen to sounds of discontent.  I will harmonize in my happiest self.

I won’t test anyone or anything trying to prove a point.  I will have acceptance and forgiveness for who I am, right now.

I won’t hide in the shadows. I will ignite my light!

I won’t shy away from commitment, I will practice showing up for myself

I won’t focus on the negative, I will accentuate the positive

I won’t worry about what might happen, I will celebrate what does

I will have a miracle.

I won’t talk about war, I will feel peace.

I won’t talk about what isn’t working. I will experience what is.

I won’t complain about what people don’t do. I will appreciate what they do.

Cura Et Labore “with care and work”

I am going to allow myself to be uplifted.

And be willing to see change. In a new light.

In what’s remembered.

With Love


For more information check out www.melanielutz.com all systems love

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