by grace I live. by grace I am released. #loveland101Grace is not technically something to speak about, it is an experience that brings inner peace.

Somedays your heart is just overflowing with warmth and joy in remembering all the fabulous acts of kindness and sharing that our days bring. In thinking about how my whole “Love Everyone” journey started, today I want to thank Anne Morrow Lindbergh for her work, her efforts in sorting through life and for her journey to find a little peace and solace in the world.  These words from her book THE GIFT FROM THE SEA became a wake up call to living my life in the pursuit of the truth, in a centered and authentic way, in the grace of each moment and in love with all that I see.

“I want in fact to borrow the language of the saints — to live “in grace” as much of the time as possible… By grace I mean an inner harmony, essentially spiritual, which can be transformed into outward harmony. I am seeking perhaps what Socrates asked for in the prayer from the Phaedrus when he said, “May the outward and inward man be at one.”  I would like to achieve a state of inner spiritual grace from which I could function and give as I was meant in the eyes of God.”

To support your deepening process with The Flight of the Soul.

Here’s an abridged lesson on Grace from ACIM to dive deeply into some of the words that release what is embodied in all things in each moment…

By grace I live. By grace I am released.

Grace is an aspect of Love which is most like the state prevailing in the unity of truth. It is the world’s most lofty aspiration, for it leads beyond the world entirely. It is past learning, yet the goal of learning, for grace cannot come until the mind prepares itself for true acceptance. Grace becomes inevitable instantly in those who have prepared a table where it can be gently laid and willingly received; an altar clean and holy for the gift.

Grace is acceptance of Love within a world of seeming hate and fear. By grace alone the hate and fear are gone, for grace presents a state so opposite to everything the world contains, that those whose minds are lighted by the gift of grace can not believe the world of fear is real.

Grace is not learned. The final step must go beyond all learning. Grace is not the goal this course aspires to attain. Yet we prepare for grace in that an open mind can hear the Call to waken. It is not shut tight against God’s Voice. It has become aware that there are things it does not know, and thus is ready to accept a state completely different from experience with which it is familiarly at home.

Oneness is simply the idea God is. And in His Being, He encompasses all things. No mind holds anything but Him. We say “God is,” and then we cease to speak, for in that knowledge words are meaningless. There are no lips to speak them, and no part of mind sufficiently distinct to feel that it is now aware of something not itself. It has united with its Source. And like its Source Itself, it merely is.

We cannot speak nor write nor even think of this at all. It comes to every mind when total recognition that its will is God’s has been completely given and received completely. It returns the mind into the endless present, where the past and future cannot be conceived. It lies beyond salvation; past all thought of time, forgiveness and the holy face of Christ. The world has never been at all. Eternity remains a constant state.

You but make a journey that is done.

Suffice it, then, that you have work to do to play your part. The ending must remain obscure to you until your part is done. It does not matter. For your part is still what all the rest depends on. As you take the role assigned to you, salvation comes a little nearer to each uncertain heart that does not beat as yet in tune with God.

And now we ask for grace, the final gift salvation can bestow.

It is here that miracles are laid; to be returned by you from holy instants you receive, through grace in your experience, to all who see the light that lingers in your face.

Be grateful to return, as you were glad to go an instant, and accept the gifts that grace provided you.

We ask for grace, and for experience that comes from grace. We welcome the release it offers everyone. We do not ask for the unaskable. We do not look beyond what grace can give. For this we can give in the grace that has been given us.

By grace I live. By grace I am released.

By grace I give. By grace I will release.

The grace we ask is given.

Enjoy the crackling grace available and embodied in all things.

Lady Antebellum‘s song COMPASS adds to the magic of grace…

You wanna give up ’cause it’s dark
We’re really not that far apart
So let your heart, sweet heart
Be your compass when you’re lost

No matter what you’ll never be alone.

lots of Love,




Melanie Lutz is a screenwriter, author, and visual story teller living in Los Angeles.  check her out at 

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