2012 is lining up to be a fabulous energetic explosion of opportunities to remember how magnificent the universal symbols that surround us are to remind us of the great power that exists within us that is not of us that is ever ready to rise up and engage our humanity at a new level of collaboration.

Today we enter the year of the dragon. It is 1/23 and the numerology of a new beginning is fully engaged.

Because of this fortuitous opening — starting 2/2/12 Flight of the Soul will be kicking into a year of powerful numerological activity taking advantage of conscious events with each successive number month and day to build toward the best of all years, where life is fabulous, love is flourishing and each activity builds on the last in wonderful exponential terrificness.

02/02    Pyramid of Power

03/03    Mystical Saturday – Get Bare with Love

04/04    Fool for Love

Mark your calendar and join me in raising our collective consciousness.

Happy Chinese New Year!

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