A tiny radical movement hit a four block area on the streets of West Hollywood around an eclectic center of chic design, trendy shopping and art galleries at each STOP SIGN a clean and simple bumper sticker with white letters on red and one word – JUDGING was placed at each STOP SIGN.

As I pulled up to the corner I got a reminder to not only stop but to STOP JUDGING.

This great (tiny) but powerful statement represents a wake up call and a total reminder that when we feel the need to be judgmental we can all stop.

The judgment we place on others is exactly the distance we create between us and the center of our beingness intensifying our separation from self that creates the need to judge more. Just Stop. Get out of the loop of judgment, stop giving air time to statements that disempower you and everyone around you, stop defeating the purpose of your life by judging others… The Bible is quite clear on this one…

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.   Mathew 7.1

Never has an idea been clearer in this practice of humanity in a time of tightness and fear and transformation that we are all engaged in.

Judging is a gateway into complete self hatred and the hell of your ego.

In every way. This practice of constant and nonstop judging of others and ourselves that we incessantly and unconsciously engage in with such complete artistry as to convince ourselves “it isn’t an issue.” or “it is not a problem.” is complete crap and it is time for all of us to say Stop.

Whatever charge or tinge of recognition that comes from these exercises of the mind we need to wake ourselves up to the harm it is doing to our society in general.  As you find the internal reminder to stop you will extend that to each person you meet.

You can feel the tinges of loneliness, the smart sting of bitterness, the rush to jump in to say something, maybe that blink of depression as someone launches into their highly entertaining story of what Shirley did today “I can’t believe her. I mean doesn’t she understand anything. How could she have done that.”  We can join in, or we can stop.

When we stop perpetuating these projections of knowing something about another person’s circumstances or feeling a certain way or giving voice to unloving thoughts we turn our personal pitch toward connection with love and deal with our own self acceptance.

Make a commitment. Say out loud and quite proud.

I will stop judging. I will do what is necessary to make any change that will free me of my past judgments and addictions. I am willing to act in my best interests, I am willing to love and forgive myself that I may be in service to those around me. I will stop judging.



Melanie Lutz is a screenwriter living in Los Angeles and has coached and guided some of the top names in the entertainment business.

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