Faith, Media and Culture

Here’s today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. Lino Rulli talks about Catholicism, his new book, his admiration of Pope John Paul II, his dream of being the next David Letterman, life in radio and life in general. I had the opportunity to chat with  The Catholic Guy (his popular show airs…

Here are today’s dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1.  Looking for uplifting movies this weekend? I haven’t seen either of these movies but, if (like me) you’re drawn to inspirational stories of kindness and triumph, they both seem worth checking out. New in theaters: Dolphin Tale New on DVD: My Run…

Here are today’s dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. Rabbi David Wolpe takes on Mel Gibson’s Maccabbee movie.  Writing in The Hollywood Reporter, The respected Jewish scholar of Sinai Temple in West Los Angeles says: Apparently it is not enough for Gibson to dislike Jews. He must also expropriate their heroes.…

Here ‘a today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1.Beliefnet tackles Israeli – Palestinian conflict. Beliefnet is hosting a special online event tomorrow night (Wednesday, 9/21) @ 7 PM ET focusing on efforts to pursue violent answers to the intractable tensions that between Israelis and Palestinians. The event will begin with  the…

Here’s today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1.The Humanitas Prize goes to…  Congratulations, of course, to Mad Men, Modern Family and all the winners at last night’s Emmy Awards (BTW, is it just a coincidence that the EMmy Awards seems to favor shows that actually begin with the letter M) but…

Here are today’s dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. Will Snowmen melt your heart? There’s lots of positive buzz building for the family comedy Snowmen set to roll into theaters on October 21st. The film follows an attempt by a group of small town kids to set a Guinesss World Record…

Here are today’s dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. Depressing comedy. From The Wrap: (Family Guy creator) Seth MacFarlane took off the gloves during”The Comedy Central Roast of Charlie Sheen” last weekend and unleashed some spectacularly nasty zingers at the actor’s expense. The comic pile on of the troubled “Two and…

Here are today’s dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. TNT’s 2012 slate includes possible Mitch Albom series. The 2011 season is just beginning but development for next year is already underway. Cable networks like USA and TNT have been gaining a lot of traction producing the kinds of shows broadcast networks…

Here are today’s dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. Faith on display at 9/11 memorial ceremony. There was some controversy leading up to yesterday’s 10th anniversary event at Ground Zero regarding the exclusion of any sort of official religious invocation. I must say, if I was planning the itinerary, it would…

1. Odyssey CEO Nick Stuart talks about his personal journey and the path he’s forging with the multi-faith media group he heads. In case you don’t know, Odyssey produces a wide range of multi-faith video programming over a wide range of platforms, including traditional TV, the web, smartphone and other emerging distribution technologies (i.e. web-to-TV…

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