Here’s this week’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith and culture: Move over Marvel Universe: Taylor James, recently seen as a military messenger from Atlantis in Zack Snyder’s Justice League film, stars as Samson, perhaps the word’s first superhero. The action-packed biblical epic also stars Billy Zane, Rutger Hauer, Jackson Rathbone and Caitlin Leahy, The…

Here’s this week’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith and culture: The faith-based film powerhouse Pure Flix is announcing an Easter weekend release for God’s Not Dead: A Light in the Darkness. The third film of the financially-successful GND franchise filmed on location in Little Rock, Arkansas and stars David A.R. White and Shane Harper…

Here’s today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith and culture: An amazing story of answered prayer. When Joyce Smith’s 14-year-old adopted son John fell through an icy lake in Missouri one winter morning three years ago, if could have been a tragic ending to a life cut short. Instead, it was the beginning of a…

Here’s today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith and culture: At the movies: These faith-themed films are either to (or in the case of Same Kind of Different as Me) already at a theater near you. Same Kind of Different is actually in its second week of release but, having seen the film which is…

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