Here are today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. The Day the Sun Danced. Today (October 13) is the 94th anniversary of an event known as the “Miracle of the Sun,”  the spectacular 1917 event that marked the final apparition of the Virgin Many in Fatima, Portugal to Francisco and Jacinta Marto…

Here are today’s dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. Rabbi David Wolpe takes on Mel Gibson’s Maccabbee movie.  Writing in The Hollywood Reporter, The respected Jewish scholar of Sinai Temple in West Los Angeles says: Apparently it is not enough for Gibson to dislike Jews. He must also expropriate their heroes.…

Here ‘a today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1.Beliefnet tackles Israeli – Palestinian conflict. Beliefnet is hosting a special online event tomorrow night (Wednesday, 9/21) @ 7 PM ET focusing on efforts to pursue violent answers to the intractable tensions that between Israelis and Palestinians. The event will begin with  the…

1. Odyssey CEO Nick Stuart talks about his personal journey and the path he’s forging with the multi-faith media group he heads. In case you don’t know, Odyssey produces a wide range of multi-faith video programming over a wide range of platforms, including traditional TV, the web, smartphone and other emerging distribution technologies (i.e. web-to-TV…

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