Here’s this week’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith and culture: From the latest from my faith/media industry mail box – From the studio that brought you  RISEN and WAR ROOM comes the story of St. Paul, who transformed from the most infamous persecutor of Christians to one of Christ’s most influential apostles. From AFFIRM…

Here’s this week’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith and culture: This winners of the 69th annual Christopher Awards have been announced. The awards were created in 1949 to celebrate writers, producers, directors, authors and illustrators whose work “affirms the highest values of the human spirit.” Tony Rossi, The Christophers’ Director of Communications, says “In…

Here’s the latest dispatch from the crossroads of faith and culture: With the passing of Della Reese, Touched by an Angel executive producer Martha Williamson had this sent my way to share with Beliefnet readers. REMEMBERING DELLA REESE “When you walk down the road Heavy burden, heavy load I will rise and I will walk…

Here’s this week’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith and culture. May this post plant positive seeds that yield eternal seasons of hope and redemption for those struggling with religious OCD and others. It represents what I believe for me and what I believe for everyone. We are all beloved children of God a who…

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