Here’s today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. Return to the Hiding Place opens this weekend. Just in time for the Memorial Day holiday, Return to the Hiding Place is a suspense-filled action-packed World War II drama about a ragtag band of Dutch teenagers who risk their lives to thwart the Nazis…

Here’s today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. Here’s the story…For those of us who watched The Brady Bunch growing up and wondered whether bringing two families together after one had recently lost its mother and the other its father really could really be that void of any real emotion, the answer…

Here’s today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. Out of the shadows. With the Boko Haram situation in Nigeria in the headlines, the recently released film Honor Diaries seems particularly well timed to encourage discussion about the treatment of women under the harsh application of espoused by radical Islamists. The documentary features…

Honoring the best in us. I attended the 65th annual Christopher Awards ceremony last Thursday recognizing those who use the power of communication to uphold the Catholic organizations motto (and Chinese proverb) that “It’s better to light one candle than to curse the darkness” Father David T. Link [right] receives  of the James Keller Award…

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