Here are today’s Top 10 dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. 40 years since the debut of Stanley Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange. Here’s star Malcolm McDowell talking about the milestone to The Wrap: “When it first came out, the audience sat there in stunned silence. And I’m thinking, ‘They hate it!…

Here are today’s Top 10 dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. (Almost) Final thoughts on Harold Camping. From Anthony Sacramone @ First Thoughts (posted on Sunday): With the possible exception of Harold Camping himself, nobody wanted the world to end yesterday more than me. I’m thoroughly sick of the joint. War,…

ABC has announced it’s fall schedule.  The new shows (details here) seem to offer some glimmer of hope that the era of TV’s forced edginess is beginning to give way to lighter-hearted, less-nasty fare.  I hope so. Here’s the night-by-night rundown (new shows in CAPS), followed by my comments and suggestions regarding other scheduling choices…

Catholic Bill O’Reilly takes on liberal Catholics over concept of “distributive justice.” Why do some liberals seem to  feel its okay to use religion to argue in favor of their  political positions but find it chilling when conservatives do so? The truth is we all bring our personal moral standards (often formed out of religious…

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