Here’s today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. Pure Flix just finished production on God’s Not Dead 2: He’s Surely Alive. This film is the follow-up to the immensely-successful God’s Not Dead which grossed over $60 million last year at the box office. The sequel features a star-studded cast that includes Melissa Joan…

Here’s today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. Living Boldly in a Culture of Unbelief. That the subtitle of The Politically Incorrect Jesus (BroadStreet Publishing), the new book from journalist and Renaissance Communications President Joe Battaglia which I recently reviewed and which inspires Christians (and other believers in timeless God-given principles) to…

Here’s today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. ‘Tis the season. Kirk Cameron’s film comedy Saving Christmas opens in about 400 theaters across the country this weekend (11/14) for a planned two-week limited engagement. For info on locating a theater near you (or for arranging a screening in your town) click here. …

Here’s today’s dispatch from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. Faith at the movies. The Song and Believe Me are two faith-themed movies that couldn’t be more different in terms of tone — suggesting a diversity and maturing of the overall genre that is healthy. But, IMHO, one worked and one didn’t Believe Me…

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