Here are today’s dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. Courageous opens tomorrow (Friday). It’s the fourth film from the creative folks at Sherwood Pictures, the movie ministry of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia, whose previous credits include Flywheel,  Against the Giants and Fireproof (the latter film starring Kirk Cameron of…

Here are today’s dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. Rabbi David Wolpe takes on Mel Gibson’s Maccabbee movie.  Writing in The Hollywood Reporter, The respected Jewish scholar of Sinai Temple in West Los Angeles says: Apparently it is not enough for Gibson to dislike Jews. He must also expropriate their heroes.…

Here are today’s dispatches from the crossroads of faith, media and culture. 1. Faith on display at 9/11 memorial ceremony. There was some controversy leading up to yesterday’s 10th anniversary event at Ground Zero regarding the exclusion of any sort of official religious invocation. I must say, if I was planning the itinerary, it would…

Here’s today’s Faith, Media & Culture Hot List. And, I must say, it is a bit disturbing how many items involve organs, and not the musical kind. 1. A-Twitter over Weiner. From The Wrap: An errant Twit-pic of his bulging underwear landed Rep. Anthony Weiner in a doozy of a political scandal. Thus when the…

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