
Advise and Consent. Democracy is indeed at work as President-elect Donald Trump‘s Cabinet choices come before the Senate for confirmation. The process started yesterday as Defense Secretary nominee Pete Hegseth sat down for questioning. Politics aside, here are some of the lessons I drew from the process.

1. Democracy requires listening. Unfortunately, some of those gathered in attendance seemed more interested in shouting Hegseth down during his opening remarks than actually hearing what he had to say. Free speech is not about attempting to prevent someone else’s speech. It involves letting others speak and making your own case in an appropriate forum – also without being shouted down. It’s basically doing unto to others as we would have them do unto us.

2. The radical left will distort symbols that inspire ordinary people. Take the case of how Hegseth’s Jerusalem Cross tattoo has been deemed controversial because some right-wing extremists have displayed it. That apparently is supposed to erase the fact that the symbol has been used by traditional Christians for centuries As Hegseth points out below, it was even to be found recently on the program for Jimmy Carter‘s funeral at the National Cathedral. The late president cannot sanely be viewed as a white supremacist. Attempting to turn the positive symbols of ordinary people into marks of supposed white supremacy has become a tactic of the radical left (as opposed to sincere liberals). They’ve attempted to do it with the American flag and even something as innocuous as the OK sign. We can’t let either actual white supremacists or radical leftists co-opt society’s accepted means of communicating positive ideals.

3. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. A lot of unsubstantiated charges have been leveled at Hegseth, some of which he denies, some of which he cops to.  Without proof of that which he denies, he deserves a presumption of innocence. Regarding the mistakes he admits to, admitting error is a sign of integrity and growth. Who hasn’t done things they wish they hadn’t? None of us are perfect. The question is do we learn from our mistakes and move forward as better people? My feeling is that Hegseth has.

4. It’s important to know why somebody wants a job. Is it for resume padding or personal aggrandizement? Or is it out of a desire to actually serve a positive purpose. When Florida Senator Rick Scott asked Hegseth why he wants the job of Defense Secretary, he convinced that it is the latter that motivates him.

Final note: In 2020, I had the opportunity to speak with Hegseth when he was working for Fox News and promoting his book Modern Warriors in which he makes his love of and support for military veterans abundantly clear. For what it’s worth, I was quite impressed and believe he has the right background for the job for which he is currently under consideration. I also believe he is knowledgeable, sincere and absolutely committed to the welfare of the troops (whose support of him should not be taken lightly) and to the defense of the United States of America. I also believe he is a man of Christian faith – and that that should not be used against him.

John W. Kennedy is a writer, producer and media development consultant specializing in television and movie projects that uphold positive timeless values, including trust in God.

Encourage one another and build each other up – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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