Here’s the latest from the crossroads of faith, media & culture: 07/29/22

Friday Media Scroll: What does Pro Choice really mean? Has Netflix seen its best days? Marvel v. God?

Quote of the Week:The moment between past and present, present and past, the moment between after and next. The hammock in the middle of after and next. Treasure it. Use it — with love.” – legendary TV producer Norman Lear offering some profound advice on the occasion of his 100th birthday.

From Fox Ethics and Public Policy Center Fellow Patrick T. Brown writes “It’s time to be honest. If these leading Democrats were truly pro-choice, they’d be open to working with Republicans to get resources to moms interested in keeping their babies. Instead, it is increasingly clear that their pro-choice rhetoric has become, in practice, pro-only-one-choice: abortion. Pointing out their extremism is the first step for conservatives. But after the Supreme Court’s ruling that gave states the power to protect unborn life, Republicans have a golden opportunity to be the party that is authentically pro-life, pro-parent, and pro-family.”
IMHO: See my previous post.

From The New York Post: Media Critic Johnny Oleksinski contends “(T)he end is nigh for poor old Netflix. The media’s cute spin on the struggling streamer’s quarterly earnings report Tuesday was that it lost fewer subscribers than it expected to — 1 million instead of 2 million. Pop the cork, losers!…Netflix has lost the streaming wars. Disney+ has Star Wars, Marvel and Avatar; HBO Max boasts DC Comics, Harry Potter and Godzilla. Woebegone Netflix — sigh — touts migraines starring Melissa McCarthy.
IMHO: I actually really enjoyed film he goes on to trash, am a regular viewer of the streamer’s kind and lighthearted travel show Somebody Feed Phil and, overall, find Netflix generally a tad less maniacally woke than its counterparts (especially Disney+)

Speaking of Marvel, writing for Religion Unplugged filmmaker and culture critic Joseph Holmes suggests the franchise “has issues with God.” I don’t know what might be going on with the newer Marvel entries but I do recall this from the original Avengers film in 2012 in which Captain America, without hesitation, wholeheartedly cast his lot with the Almighty.

IMHO: Maybe if Marvel parent Disney got back to messages like this it could reverse its precipitous slide in public esteem.

Meanwhile, if you’re really looking for a faith and value-based streamer, check out these new and upcoming Pure Flix Originals & Exclusive Titles.

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters – available August 1 through 2022

Cast: Bart Johnson, Robyn Lively, David Barrera, Maria Canals-Barrera, Brandon Prado, Carrie Wampler

Synopsis: Steve loves all three of his daughters – but does he really know who they are? Discover the heartfelt journey of a dad who is desperately trying to hold onto his little girls but learns he must give up control and trust God with their future. Watch the movie inspired by bestselling book written by Dr. Meg Meeker’s.

Live+Local – series (6 episodes) Available now through July 2023

Cast: Dave Coulier, Emily Pendergast, Pat Cashman, and Kendra Ann Sherrill

Synopsis: TnT In The Morning is the highest-rated local radio program – but Tommy and Tina have to navigate the ups and downs of the radio industry while trying to trust their new program director, Jerry. Watch what happens when a veteran radio talk show host and his co host have to navigate the ups and downs of the radio world when their new program director takes over.

Unlikely Angel – available on August 26 through 2022/Trailer expected August 15

Cast: Robert Amaya, Jillian Murray, Aaron Mees, Sam J. Jones, Brittany Goodwin, Delyla de Castro

Synopsis: Janie rules the boardroom but is falling apart at the thought of becoming a mom. When she leaves her newborn and husband to get to a business meeting, the angel Gabe intervenes and shows her what it would be like to miss the milestones. Can Janie learn how to trust God and move forward?

Other titles coming soon to Pure Flix include the theatrical hit Miracles from Heaven (August 15) starring Jennifer Garner in the true-life story of a mother who discovers her 10-year-old daughter has a rare, incurable disease and is amazed when a freak accident results in an extraordinary miracle that leaves medical specialists mystified, her family restored and their community inspired.

Also available in August and September is All Saints, starring John Corbett in a film inspired by the real-life story of salesman-turned-pastor Michael Spurlock and (August only) the Stuart Little trilogy.

John W. Kennedy is a writer, producer and media development consultant specializing in television and movie projects that uphold positive timeless values, including trust in God.

Encourage one another and build each other up – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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